Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Freelance Writers: How to Increase Your Business with a Simple One-Page Letter

When I owned my editorial staffing agency and would put out a job opening for freelancers, I would get a ton of responses. If I asked for work samples, I would get slammed even if the ad specifically stated to send, for example, one writing sample on real estate investing.

To quickly get through the pile of resumes, the first thing I would do is weed out anyone who sent more than I had requested. The point of this little story more is not always better.

BUT, you may lament, I want to show the client what I can do for them. You can do this very effectively via a simple one-page introductory letter.

SECTION I: About you. In this paragraph, you simply want to state your name and give a very brief background summary and niche specialty. Eg:

I am Yuwanda Black, the publisher of A freelance copywriter for over 13 years, I specialize in increasing the referral rates of real estate agents, mortgage brokers and insurance agents via newsletters, brochures, e-books, etc.

Whatever your written marketing needs, I can deliver measurable results. Samples of my writing/portfolio can be found at (you do have a website, right?).

SECTION II: You know them. Illustrate to the client that you are familiar with his product, service, specialty, etc. and how you can improve it, supplement it, overhaul it, etc. for better results. Eg:

I noticed from your website (brochure, postcard, sales letter, etc.) that you have been in business for 5 years and service the xxx market. I can help you increase your sales by at least 15% over a years time (maybe more). How?

Studies (cite a source) have shown that consistent contact is the number one way to get clients to call YOU and not your competitor. According to xxx (here you would input a reliable marketing stat), in your industry, only X percent of mortgage brokers do this.

Imagine how many more clients you can add to your business by becoming the go-to expert in your sector? I can position you for this bringing in referrals for years to come!

SECTION III: The wrap up. Here, repeat their number one benefit of using you, eg, to increase their bottom line. Eg:

My job is to increase your bottom line. As a results-oriented professional copywriter, I know how to move prospects into your (not your competitors) paying customers when theyre ready to buy.

SECTION IV: The call to action. Ask them to do something now!

Call today for your no-obligation consultation. I can be reached at:
PH: 000-111-1234
CELL: 111-222-3333
FAX: 222-333-4444

SECTION V: The P.S. (EVERY sales letter should have a P.S.). In this section, you can give a way a freebie (e-books are great for this) and/or reiterate a major benefit (eg, increase your bottom line by 15%).

Feel free to use a P.S. and a P.P.S.P.S.: With your free consultation, you receive a free e-booklet, For Real Estate Professionals: 10 Ways to Turn Referrals Into Paying Customers. This e-book is free, even if you dont use my services.

5 Copywriting Tips for Your One-Page Letter

a) Use lots of white space and bold headings. Eg, between each section, create a bold heading that clues the reader in to what theyre about to read. Most people skim copy especially from unfamiliar sources this makes it much more likely to get read.

b) Write from a whats in it for the client point of view instead of a whats in it for me point of view. At every turn, reiterate how you can help them make more money, save more time, reach more prospects, etc. In business, most people either want to make more money or increase their referral ratio these are safe objectives to state that you can help them with.

c) Make a connection: Eg, I read on your website; I heard in your seminar; I see from your brochure everyone likes to feel that you have at least taken the time to know their business.

d) Give stats: This lends credibility to your sales pitch. Its not just you saying x, a noted source can back up your contention.

e) Use a call to action: If you dont ask them to do something, they may do nothing. So, use phrases like call today, log on to our website, subscribe to our newsletter, register for your free gift.

I guarantee you, if you follow the format outlined above, your direct mail and/or e-mail conversion rate will be higher, garnering you clients for years to come.

May be reprinted with the following, in full:

Yuwanda Black is the publisher of THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. First-hand freelance success stories, e-courses, job postings, resume tips, advice on the business of freelancing, and more! Launch a Profitable Freelance Writing Career in 30 Days or Less -- Guaranteed! Log on to to learn how.Valli Blog66795
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